Iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south
Iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south

Iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south how to#

See Orthodox Arts Journal to continue reading and for information on how to register. Word of mouth from last year’s attendees, many of whom are returning this year, appears to have had a positive impact as of this writing, 43 students are enrolled - 27 for Chanting, eight for Iconography, and eight for Liturgical Textiles. In addition, the Academy is offering a Liturgical Textiles track, taught by noted ecclesiastical tailor Kh. George Greek Orthodox Church in Albuquerque, NM, and Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Scottsdale, AZ, respectively.

iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south

The Byzantine chant faculty is adding two new instructors with Gabriel Cremeens and Samuel Herron, protopsaltes of St.

iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south

Anthony will teach the iconography workshop and John Michael Boyer will return for the 2019 session, instructing an advance level chant class. It will take place August 18-24, 2019, once again at the Diakonia Retreat Center, and grant support from Leadership 100 will partially subsidize each student’s tuition, reducing the cost of each enrollment by $300. The Academy’s success in 2018 made it an easy decision to organize a second session.

iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south

His knowledge of iconography is extensive, and the way he shares it with another makes it part of your story also.” Jamie Tarasidis, a cantor from Greenwood, SC, says of her own experience, “I learned a lot from the teachers and the curriculum, but I also learned a lot from the other people who were here.” Iconography student, Jennifer Horton of Athens, GA also says, “I was particularly impressed with the organization and the depth of knowledge of Fr. Response to the initial sessions was overwhelmingly positive. Salzman and Byzantine chant from teachers like John Michael Boyer, protopsaltis of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco, and Constantine Kokenes. His Eminence Alexios celebrated the opening Divine Liturgy, and 30 students were in attendance from all over the United States for the opportunity to learn iconography from Fr. With the blessing and encouragement of his bishop, Metropolitan Alexios of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta, as well as grant support from the Calvin Institute, the Academy held its inaugural weeklong session in May 2018 against the backdrop of the Metropolis’ Diakonia Retreat Center in Salem, South Carolina. “The Liturgical Arts Academy to train men and women in the traditional Orthodox arts of chanting and iconography,” is how Fr. He and cantor Constantine Kokenes of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Atlanta shared a vision of developing a program to pass these traditions on to the next generation, and together, they came up with the plan. Philothea Greek Orthodox Church in Watkinsville, GA and Director of The Liturgical Arts Academy, is himself an iconographer who had the chance to study in Greece, as well as a churchman who saw a training gap that needed to be filled.

iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south

Not only that, but some church leaders have recognized the need for establishing organized educational initiatives so that such teachers may teach, and those who want to learn can do so without needing to fly across the ocean.įr. In recent years, however, many American Orthodox Christians who have had the opportunity to study the liturgical arts have embraced the responsibility to pass on what they have learned. Self-study has been a solution for others, but the quality of available reference materials in English has been unreliable, and the dangers with this approach have included incomplete grounding in fundamentals and lack of live feedback. Some have had the opportunity to go overseas to countries such as Greece and Russia to study, but this approach poses many barriers - cost, time, and language, just to begin with. have historically had limited opportunities to study with knowledgeable teachers. English-speaking Orthodox faithful in the United States who have wanted to learn the liturgical arts of the Orthodox Church - music, iconography, vestments, architecture and furnishings design, etc.

Iconographer for greek orthodox churches in the south